– Age 3 years reduction 1000 trees => in 1 tree estimated1/4 cubic. Pricelog of wood is less than 20 […]

Palm plants.1 hectare of oil palm trees aged 0 to 5 years of producing 1 ton x Rp 1,000 = […]

Sengon harvesting can begin at the age of 3 years with 1,000 trees thinning, thinning 1,000 trees at the age […]

There are several important factors that form the basis, why sengon cultivation quite superior and can be an option, when […]

 ~~~~~ Invest to get rich with the commoners ~~~~~ B.A.C.K. Model is of integrated farming systems agribusiness development sengon.  Namely, […]

Bando Amin Assalamu ‘alaikum Wr. Wb.(Peace be with you).    The gratitude we pray to the Almighty God, the greatness […]

Isran Noor Forest habitat is one of the key course of chain ecosystem, therein was approaching destruction quite sad. Biodiversity […]

Sengon cultivation is a program that was initiated with the aim of improving the community’s economy, rapidly. Even the Directorate […]