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Sengon cultivation potential is incredible. Many people became interested in this one commodity. In addition to the great results that can be obtained in the near future, sengon judged to be at high risk. Because in addition to system maintenance simple sengon have virtually no pests are quite heavy.

Moreover, since the passing of the investment pattern BACK Models. A system of investing that is perfect for the people of Indonesia. Where to push the pace of the economy based on cooperatives.

It also might become a magnet so as to attract the attention of Butet Kertaradjasa, artist and professional comedian Indonesia, to invest sengon with BACK system model, in Kepahiang regency, Bengkulu province.

Butet Kertaradjasa investing decisions sengon cultivation, in this Kepahiang Regency, following his visit to Kepahiang on Friday (7/12/2012) ago. He did not come alone, but invites his partner, a textile businessman named Wilson.

No half-hearted, Butet with Wilson came to decide to invest sengon cultivation of 150 hectares, with a pattern of public land rent. On that occasion, Butet reviewing some land for planting sengon and processed by society. “We will invest sengon, in Kepahiang. Cooperated Land to be about 150 hectare.” Butet said.

He said 150 hectares of land that will be processed by the people of Kepahiang. The pattern of results that is applied to this investment, stick with using the BACK Model, which was initiated by the Regent of Kepahiang Drs. H. Bando C Amin Kader, MM. “Later, the managing by the people, we are here as investors set aside.” Butet light.

Butet optimistic that the pattern of cultivation sengon BACKModel development, will be able to gain optimal results. In addition, sengon wood processing plants that are recommended government, very good for investment. Sengon able to grow faster and do not damage the environment. “Sengon very rapid growth, due in 3 to 5 years can be harvested, the results can be exported or fulfill local needs.” he explained.

Kepahiang land, continued Butet, has the potential for cultivation development and the climate support for sengon. “Natural of Kepahiang very suitable for a fertile crops sengon. That’s why we optimistic invest here (Kepahiang, red).” he added.