
To optimize the potential of Sengon Cultivation forward, Kepahiang Regency Government formed a partnership with the Ministry of Research and […]

Sengon or albasia not a new plant for Nasikin (39) Cikidang Village residents Subdistrict Cilongok, Banyumas, Central Java. She has […]

– Investors infuse equity, to the Cooperative at least 1 sheet equity of Rp 20,000,000. and a maximum of 10 […]

– Investors invest to a Coperation Rp 15,000,000. –– Got a membership card from the SATMAKURA coperation.– Investors get equity […]

– Investors invest, to a cooperative Rp 80,000,000. –– Got a cooperative membership card.– Investors get a certificate of ownership […]

Investor / Cooperative 35%. – Investors 20% Investors to invest Rp 15,000,000 per hectare cooperatives, 1 x Rp 450,000,000 hectare. […]

Besides intercropping system with Japanese taro, land planted sengon still potential to grow crops with other commodities. Such as chili […]