Isran Noor |
Forest habitat is one of the key course of chain ecosystem, therein was approaching destruction quite sad. Biodiversity and variety of wildlife which is protected under threat seriously.
This happens due to massive logging that lasted a long time. Well done traditionally by the public for daily needs, which lasted continuously from ancient times, as well as the nefarious work of individual that perform illegal logging on a large scale.
Along with it, timber supplies are being reduced. Thus resulting in the collapse of the wood processing industry because of the unavailability of raw materials. Many attempts have been made by the government to carry out reforestation. But it is definitely not a solution to overcome the increasing demand for wood all the time.
Along with the times, the demand for timber is still going to continue to rise. For it then appeared to perform the processing of alternative industrial timber production. Then the commoners cultivated various types of wood commodities.
However, for some types of wood starting a long harvest period. Even had to take up to tens of years. This is clearly an obstacle to fulfill urgent needs of the timber.
To answer it, Sengon is one solution. This type of timber growing fast enough. In fact, at the age of 3 years most have been cut down. In addition to thinning that growth Sengon well maintained, logging this stage the result is to be enjoyed. Opportunities and great potential of the Sengon bring modern timber processing industry.
As the first pioneers to gain success, such as the people in the region of Central Java. As in Wonosobo, Temanggung, Kendal, and surrounding areas. It is then leads to growth wood processing sector. Where and then sprung wood processing industries both small and large scale. Another problem emerges, the limited land to undertake the development of cultivation Sengon. This causes the wood raw material supply is unable to supply the needs of the market.
Therefore, under the leadership of Ir. H. Isran Noor, M.Si, as Chairman APKASI, and PERHIPTANI, together with Drs. H. Bando C Amin Kader, MM, as Head of Regional Potential Development APKASI, and members, ready to do the coaching. Both of the systems of cultivation, seeding, planting, maintenance, wood processing plants, to open global markets in International. Where in this case continue to promote the principles of social economy through cooperative patterns that involve the local community. Thus, the financial circles of sengon cultivation tend to be concentrated in the area.