Sengon Harvesting.

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Sengon harvesting can begin at the age of 3 years with 1,000 trees thinning, thinning 1,000 trees at the age of 4 years. and cutting all at the age of 5 years. Per Cubic harvest:

A. The age 3 years diameter 15-20 cm, 4 trees / m3.
B. The age 4 years diameter  20-25 cm, 3 trees / m3.
C. The age 5 years diameter > 25 cm, 2 trees / m3.

In addition, as a comparison of the business results, oil palm plantations from age 0 to 5 years who planted 1 hectare, can only produce 1 ton. If multiplied by Rp 1,000 then the result Rp 1,000,000 It is not much different, if the type of rubber estates. The assumption, 1 hectare of rubber plantation within 0 to 5 years old have not been able to produce latex. It means not yet in production.

The big difference will be seen and felt when investing in plants sengon. In the area of 1 hectare of plant is capable of producing 3,000 trees. This type of wood is rapidly growing. So from the point of initial planting until the age of 5 years to 1 sengon tree costs at least Rp 200,000.