Bando Amin |
Assalamu ‘alaikum Wr. Wb.
(Peace be with you).
The gratitude we pray to the Almighty God, the greatness of His gifts to us all, especially the infinite grace that has created an area such as Bengkulu province. Where natural resources as it gives millions of hope for the people in the future.
Beautiful nature is full of potential with the wealth of promising, such as from the tourism sector, mining, agriculture and others. It is as if created for the public and investors.
The Blog is structured in the form of narrative, is expected to provide an overview and brief information about the potential and investment opportunities Sengon cultivation, as well as giving new hope for a good welfare to various parties in the future.
I Drs. H. Bando C Amin Kader, MM. as regent of Kepahiang regency thank all those who have helped in preparing this book, hopefully will benefit us all, particularly in the development of business in the Kepahiang regency.
Wassalamu ‘alaikum Wr. Wb.
Regent of Kepahiang, Bengkulu Province – Indonesia
Drs. H. Bando Amin C Kader, MM